Grief Counseling and Grief Support Groups

The Grieving Process Is…

  • Normal.

    First off, grief is normal, and there is nothing wrong with you for feeling this way. We all need love and support in times of loss. Grief is the natural emotional response to significant loss. We have to feel in order to heal, otherwise we are numbing.

  • Unpredictable.

    There is no timeline for grieving. And the stages of grief reflect our feelings (i.e. depression, denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance) and how we feel can change at any given moment. It’s normal to feel intense emotions right away, or several months later when the numbness and shock has worn off.

  • Different for everyone.

    Everyone grieves differently. It’s normal if you and a family member respond in different ways. Everyone is on their own grief timeline. Some people might cry, others might want to talk more about their loved one or person who died, or someone might enjoy celebrating memories or engaging in new or old traditions they had with the person who died.

What are the benefits of ACT Counseling for Grief and Loss?

  • Ability to re-engage with and enjoy life again.

  • Feel like yourself again instead of being stuck in survival mode (Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn - the people pleasing trauma response).

  • Develop ways to move forward, knowing acceptance doesn’t mean letting go.

  • Feel confident in your ability to tolerate inevitable waves of grief. This can look like no longer avoiding or numbing your pain.

  • Greater self-awareness and self-compassion around the loss.

  • Managing feelings of grief, anxiety, depression, guilt, and/or anger.

Compassion is our first approach.

Self-compassion is a much better motivator than shame. It’s easier to take action towards your goals when the therapist encouraging you feels safe, the environment is friendly, and you’re not feeling judged.

Grief Counseling Support Groups for Young Adults

Grief is lonely, and unfortunately, an inevitable part of life, but you don’t have to walk that journey alone. We provide grief counseling and online grief group counseling for young adults who find it difficult to cope with emotions associated with grief. Online grief support groups provide a safe and secure space for young adults to share their experiences of grief, express their feelings, and receive support and understanding from others who have experienced similar losses. Through the groups, young adults can gain insight into the grieving process and begin to understand their own emotions.  Young adults can find support and understanding and can connect with others who are going through a similar experience.

Young Adult 6-Week Grief Support Groups

Individual and Group Grief Support Counseling

Group Duration

90 Minute Grief Support Group (Virtual)

Day and Time

Simply request an inquiry on our website, call, or email us to inquire about the next starting date.


$55 / session for $330 total for 6 weeks.

Intake Session required for new participants ($50).


Grief support groups are held virtually. Participants must be age 18-37.

A Safe Space for Healing.

Our counseling services for grief and loss provide a safe space which is paramount for healing. Don’t isolate. We all need love, support, and community in times of loss and great heartache. With grief counseling services, you can expect confidentiality and a judgement free zone. Young adults deserve to speak and be heard in individual and/or group support services.

Virtual Grief Support Groups FAQ

  • We offer individual therapy services for clients ages 18 and older and grief support groups held virtually for young adults ages 18 - 37.

  • No. Our online, telehealth counseling, services are only offered to clients anywhere in the state of Florida. This is due to the legal requirements of the state our therapists are licensed in.

  • Our counseling services in Florida are offered online via a confidential HIPAA compliant platform. You don’t need to download any software. All you need is access to wifi or an internet connection using a phone, computer, or tablet. Your therapist will provide you the link after scheduling.

  • We provide counseling services to all cities in the State of Florida. (i.e. Boca Raton, Orlando, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Hollywood, Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Jupiter, Naples, Tampa, Gainesville, Tallahassee, etc.)

  • Young Adult 6-week Grief Support Groups are 90 minutes. The optional, once a month continuing support Grief Support Groups - upon completion of the 6-week group - are 50 minutes.

  • Yes. Group Grief Support Counseling Members may continue with an optional once monthly grief support group therapy after 6-week grief support groups. They are $45 per session with 1-Week RSVP required.

More Questions?

Head to our FAQs page.

We’re here to help.

Compassion is our cure to shame.

Take action on your healing journey.

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