Relationship Counseling

What’s the good news?

  • Hands outreached with birds eye view of the sky

    Healthy Relationships Exist.

    Relationships can be the source of trauma, but they can also be the source of healing. When relational pain is acknowledged and shared in safe spaces, we can begin to heal. Therapy is a non-judgmental, unbiased, and compassionate environment for you to embrace your authentic self.

  • Flower in the sand at the beach

    You Are Not Alone.

    Most people start therapy after a difficult relationship (i.e. breakup, family conflict, toxic relationship, or stressful boss / workplace, etc.) that they need help working through. You’re very much not alone here. We even know from research that 25% of American children, by the age of 16, have experienced at least one traumatic event.

  • We Have Teachable Skills To Empower You.

    You can feel like you again with tools to help you feel grounded, regulated, and safe. You’ll untangle patterns to get to a more controlled place that helps you move forward with confidence. Coping skills to help you anchor yourself amidst the storms instead of getting swept away by them.

Are you sick of trying to convince someone that what they’re doing, or lack of doing, is hurtful? Only to have them continue doing what’s hurtful, or better yet, they apologize and you let your gaurd down, and then they do it again. Are you tired of this cycle?

This cycle can cause harm to your self-worth and self-esteem. You probably get hooked, thinking that next time things will be better, different. Maybe your gut has told you something in this relationship, whether it be familial, romantic, friendship, isn’t right, but sometimes the idea of staying feels easier than leaving. Especially when you’re already emotionally drained. If you’re ready to stop being the bigger person at the expense of your mental health, then it’s time to take action on your healing journey today. Stop walking on egg-shells and start waking up anxiety-free.

Types of issues that our therapists help you work through in session for individual relationship counseling.

Types of Relationship Issues

  • Trauma Bonds

  • Love Bombing

  • Breakups

  • Divorce

  • Narcissistic Abuse

  • Partners or family members impacted by alcohol or substance use

  • Sexual Trauma, Rape, or Sexual Assault

  • Communication Issues

  • Boundary Setting

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Partner Conflict / Family Conflict

  • People Pleasing

  • Codependency

  • Caregiving

  • Work related stress or conflict

  • Toxic Relationships

  • Family Estrangement

  • Friendship Betrayal / Breakup

Symptoms from Relational Issues

  • Dissociation

  • PTSD

  • Complex Trauma / PTSD

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Passive Suicidal Thoughts

  • Intrusive Thoughts

  • Ruminating Thoughts

  • Low Self-Esteem / Self-Worth

  • Panic Attacks

  • Perfectionism

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Grief

  • Anger, lack of trust, distress, guilt

Why does a breakup hurt?

There’s a death of an imagined future. When WE becomes ME.

What are the therapy benefits of ACT Counseling for Relationships?

  • Ability to re-engage with and enjoy life again.

  • Feel like yourself again instead of being stuck in survival mode (Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn - the people pleasing trauma response).

  • Develop healthy boundaries and fulfilling relationships.

  • Feel confident in your ability to tolerate inevitable stress in life. This can look like no longer avoiding or numbing your pain.

  • Greater self-awareness.

Compassion is our first approach

Self-compassion is a much better motivator than shame. It’s easier to take action towards your goals when the therapist encouraging you feels safe, the environment is friendly, and you’re not feeling judged.

Some relationships are life stories and others, just love stories.

Florida Relationship Counseling Services FAQ

  • We offer individual therapy services for clients ages 18 and older.

  • No. Our online, telehealth counseling, services are only offered to clients anywhere in the state of Florida. This is due to the legal requirements of the state our therapists are licensed in.

  • Our counseling services in Florida are offered online via a confidential HIPAA compliant platform. You don’t need to download any software. All you need is access to wifi or an internet connection using a phone, computer, or tablet. Your therapist will provide you the link after scheduling.

  • Counseling sessions are 50 minutes in duration.

  • We provide counseling services to all cities in the State of Florida. (i.e. Boca Raton, Orlando, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Hollywood, Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Jupiter, Naples, Tampa, Gainesville, Tallahassee, etc.)

More Questions?

Head to our FAQs page.

We’re here to help.

Compassion is our cure to shame.

Take action on your healing journey.

Find Hope. Build Confidence. Regain Energy & Excitement for Life.